
Marijuana VS Alcohol

Marijuana is increasingly becoming some people drug of choice so let’s talk about what science can tell us about Marijuana. Is Marijuana Dangerous? The risk

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Pluto is emitting X-rays

The detection of X-rays coming from Pluto is challenging scientists to understand more about the space surrounding the best-known object in the outer solar system.

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Pet Sized Pterosaur?

Most pterosaurs, flying reptiles that lived during the Late Cretaceous 77 million years ago, were giants with wingspans of between 13 and 36 feet (4 to 11 meters).

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Marijuana & Sleep

Daily marijuana users report more sleep disturbance than people who use marijuana less often or not at all, new research finds. This counters the perception that

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The increase of scientific knowledge lies not only in the occasional milestones of science, but in the efforts of the many!