Mount St. Helens Gets a Huge Ultrasound
Researchers are using remote sensing to better understand the hidden passageways beneath one of the United States’ most dangerous active volcanoes. Their work may begin to explain
Researchers are using remote sensing to better understand the hidden passageways beneath one of the United States’ most dangerous active volcanoes. Their work may begin to explain
A strangely shaped depression on Mars could be a new place to look for signs of life on the Red Planet, researchers say. The
Volcanic events large enough to devastate Earth have taken place in a number of places worldwide in the recent geological past. It seems inevitable that
New research shows that a common type of volcano isn’t just spewing molten rock from the mantle. Rather, it contains elements that suggest something more
Scientists at Curtin University have shown that an ancient volcanic eruption in Australia 510 million years ago significantly affected the climate, causing the first known mass extinction in the