Nano Honeycomb Could Make Your Battery Last 100 Times Longer

Scientists from The University of Missouri may have just solved one of the worlds greatest problems; Battery Life. If scalable into the real world their discovery could mean no more wall hugging in public places charging your phone or laptop just to get by. Their unique discovery employs a Honeycomb’ lattice the exhibits distinctive electronic properties.

“Semiconductor diodes and amplifiers, which often are made of silicon or germanium, are key elements in modern electronic devices,” says Deepak K. Singh, associate professor of physics and astronomy at the University of
Missouri and principal researcher of the university’s Magnetism and Superconductivity Research Laboratory.

“A diode normally conducts current and voltage through the device along only one biasing direction, but when the voltage is reversed, the current stops,” Singh explains. “This switching process costs significant energy due to dissipation, or the depletion of the power source, thus affecting battery life. By substituting the semiconductor with a magnetic system, we believed we could create an energetically effective device that consumes much less power with enhanced functionalities.”

The researchers created a 2D nanostructure by depositing a magnetic alloy on the honeycomb structured template of a silicon surface. The new material conducts unidirectional currents and the material also has significantly less dissipative power compared to a semiconducting diode.

The magnetic diode is a trailblazing discovery and could lead to magnetic transistors and amplifiers that dissipate very little power. This could allow future engineers and designers to create batteries that last 100 times longer than current technologies. Lower dissipative power in electronics could also reduce the amount of heat generated in devices too.

“Although more [work needs] to be done to develop the end product, the device could mean that a normal 5-hour charge could increase to more than a 500-hour charge,” Singh says. “The device could also act as an ‘on/off switch’ for other periphery components such as closed-circuit cameras or radio frequency attenuators, which reduces power flowing through a device. We have applied for a US patent and have begun the process of incorporating a spin-off company to help us take the device to market.”

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