We are being left behind in the world of science, technology and maths thanks to government cut backs in science funding and this isn’t just the thoughts of a science enthusiast like myself, there is an outcry from scientists around the world.
The leading astrobiologist for NASA’s search for life on Mars said “I feel sad about the further cuts to science funding in Australia. It’s tragic and embarrassing,” Dr Abigail Allwood, speaking from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said she was disappointed to read about the research funding cuts in her home country.
“We have such a good education system, followed by a virtual brick wall for scientists.” In May, the federal government slashed its funding for CSIRO by $111 million over four years. In Queensland alone that was expected to see 100 CSIRO mathematicians and computer mapping staff lose their jobs.
But it doesn’t stop there NICTA which is Australia’s Information Communications Technology (ICT) Research Centre of Excellence and the nation’s largest organisation dedicated to ICT research has lost all of its government funding ($42m P/a) and may close down altogether. Don’t think that’s a big deal? Well let me put it this way to you, some of the scientist behind Wi-Fi work there and in our view they should have an unlimited budget! I mean come on what in this modern day world isn’t Wi-Fi connected!!
I don’t play politics and to be honest they all seem to be as bad as each other but I would rather pay a tax levy to keep scientific funding going than have our great scientists be lost to overseas jobs. So let me say this to you “Mr/Mrs Politician” If you don’t understand that science, technology, engineering and math is the driver of innovation and growth in the global economy perhaps you shouldn’t be running the country.
Oh and one more thing, appoint a F#%@ing science minister!
Stay curious – C.Costigan