Laser Pulses Makes Graphene Circuits Better
Nanoengineers have found that using lasers can improve the electrical conductivity of graphene circuits without degrading the delicate material they’re printed on. Recent projects that
Nanoengineers have found that using lasers can improve the electrical conductivity of graphene circuits without degrading the delicate material they’re printed on. Recent projects that
Scientists have cut the time required to modify tomato genes by six weeks. While looking for ways to make tomatoes and other crop plants more
New findings help rewrite the story of how the iconic and mysterious Eta Carinae star system came to be and present a critical piece of
When roboticists create behaviors for teams of robots, they first build algorithms that focus on the intended task. Then they wrap safety behaviors around those
Scientists are the first to demonstrate that an unbreakable encrypted message can be sent with a key that’s far shorter than the message. Until now,
Why do we—and fruit flies—seek out protein-rich foods when we’re running on empty? And what does that preference mean for the odds of living a
Engineers have found a simple method for producing high-quality graphene: bake the compound in a microwave oven. “This is a major advance in the graphene
A new study complicates the “five-second rule,” the widely accepted idea that it’s okay to scoop up fallen food and eat it if you’re quick
Civil engineers have developed a new way to measure how forces move through granular materials. The method that could improve our understanding of everything